<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').addClass('login')" /></div><h1><span class = "pic"></div><p>
[[<img src="https://41.media.tumblr.com/2763869ed865f471a736af1939331561/tumblr_nx7wz0dX5y1uki5iho4_400.png ">| signup]]
[[<img src="https://41.media.tumblr.com/a970b84a6482509f374ada75eb62bb4e/tumblr_nxbn8glEkK1uki5iho1_1280.png" height="70" width="400" style="padding-top: -100px" >|Decline]]
</p></h1><div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('html').addClass('newsfeed')" /></div><h1><span class = "pic"></div><p><b>What's on your mind?</b>
[[The Kardashians]]
[[The Election]]
[[My day was horrible]]
<h3>Game Over. You need
a Facebook to play.</h3>
[[<img src="https://41.media.tumblr.com/2763869ed865f471a736af1939331561/tumblr_nx7wz0dX5y1uki5iho4_400.png ">| signup]]<p><b>What is your profile picture?</b>
[[A selfie]]
[[My pet]]
[[None of these]]</p><p><b>What is your profile picture?</b>
[[Bernie 2016]]
[[A selfie]]
[[My pet]]
[[None of these]]</p><p><b>What is your profile picture?</b>
[[A selfie]]
[[My pet]]
[[None of these]]</p><p><b>What is your profile picture?</b>
[[A refusal]]
[[A selfie]]
[[My pet]]
[[None of these]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share photos on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | links]]
[[no | links]]</p><p><b>Do you share links on your timeline?</b>
[[yes | contact]]
[[no | contact]]</p><p><b>Do you keep in contact with friends and family?</b>
[[yes | articles]]
[[no | articles]]</p><p><b>Do you read articles on Facebook?</b>
[[yes | keep]]
[[no | keep]]</p><p><b>Do you enjoy Facebook?</b>
[[yes | events]]
[[no, delete | deactivate]]</p><p><b>Do you use Facebook to see what's going on around you?
What kind of stuff?</b>
[[events | news]]
[[gossip | news]]
[[current events | news]]
[[what "friends" are doing | news]]
[[sociopolitical activism | news]]
[[I don't use Facebook for this | news]]</p>
<p><b>Do you get your news on Facebook?</b>
[[yes | self]]
[[no | self]]</p><p><b>We're sorry, but it is only possible for you to
"deactivate" your Facebook. This way, if you ever
want it back, all of your information is archived,
[[waiting for you| last]]. Because of this, even
your past participation in the site allows for the
production of content that can be solidified and
sold to corporations for marketing research.</b></p><p><b>Do you have a self-promotion page?</b>
[[yes | commerce]]
[[no | commerce]]</p><p><b>Do you use Facebook for commerce?</b>
[[no|activism]]</p><p><b>Do you use Facebook for organizing around
political activism and resistance?</b>
[[yes | last]]
[[no | last]]</p><p><b>Unfortunately, no matter what way you implement Facebook, participating on the site produces content that is sold to marketing researchers and allows for the (re)production of cognitive capitalism.</b>
[[continue | signup]]</p>